Friday, February 29, 2008

This is scary.

Fun with science Part 2 and Scream Sell-out will come out soon, promise!

Meanwhile, this is just a brief post while I wait for Girls Out Loud to load. (I am Xiaxue crazy.)

Anyway, what I am about to write is all serious and zero sarcasm.

I am sure most of you have heard about the JI leader escaping from ISD.

I am in shock, really. And while everyone is beginning to find Singapore's reputation of being safe questionable, I would like to raise your attention to the fact that the criminal has not been caught.

The Minister of Home Affairs has already taken full responsibility, which is highly respectable of him. And I know that apologies mean squat, but let's realise that it is still not safe for us to complain yet.

So catch the damn crook, then we'll talk.

So stop with the cynicism and criticism.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fun With Science

I rediscovered my geeky past with Herald at the Science Centre yesterday.

We were so fascinated by the exhibits!

There were the usual 'mind vs eye' exhibits which have been there since I was 14. You know, those perception tricks like is it the thing convex or concave et cetera. The exhibitions were aptly located in 'The Mind's Eye' section.

Do you see two people talking?
Oh my God, they killed Herald!
We then went to the Mummies exhibit.
There were all these different kinds of mummies. The sexy mummies, the soccer mummies, the housewife mummies, and the old mummies. My favourite were the auntie mummies.
Haha, okay okay. I love anything ancient Egyptian. And I learnt a bit more about it there.
Anubis and his costume. Anubis was the God of mummification.
Rameses' costume. My dad asked me which Rameses. I had no idea.
Nefer-something's costume. Not Nefertiti. Don't ask me. IDK!
A model of a sarcophagus. Big and scary. They said that the silver lining was more valuable than the gold back then.
Herald asked if I really wanted to take a picture of THIS. Don't worry, it's not real. They're all replicas. Even the costumes.
There was also chart of heiroglyphics (spelling error) from A-Z. Now I can spell my name in Egyptian!
We then approached the Life Sciences section.
THEY ACTUALLY KEEP FUCKING HISSING COCKROACHES! WHAT THE HELL?! I braced myself for the worst when I saw the label and I went to take a look at it. Fuck, the cockroaches were huge! They looked exactly like the ones on Fear Factor! I screamed and ran out and the guy in front of us laughed.
The kids' playground was nearby and we had a whale of a time playing with the children-oriented exhibits. There was also a chick incubation thing. And we saw this really mean chick beating up (pecking on) another chick and it was already bleeding and it looked horrible.
The beaten-up chick on the far right.
It tries to approach the group.
But it was lured into yet another losing battle. :(
Part 2 coming up soon. Too lazy to blog. Bye!


Friday, February 22, 2008

Juno is Love.

I finally watched Juno with Ruyin today.

I can't stand it, Juno is easily one of my top 3 favourite movies of all time.

You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on you're back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else but you

Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else but you

We both have shiny happy fits of rage
I want more fans, you want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else but you

You are always trying to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else but you

I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else but you

The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me
So why can't, you forgive me?
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else but you

Du du du du du du du du
Du du du du du du du du

I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else but you

Juno McGuff is my hero. She makes everything seem a breeze, and life is but a punchline to her. I love her.


Ruyin and I went to shop at Far East Plaza after that and I saw this uhmayyyyyyyyzing shop selling band tees. And the Hawthorne Heights tee is gorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrjus! But the Fall Out Boy tee kana sai. =/

Okay, I'm not in the mood to blog now. Blogger's block. Ha, say that 10 times fast!


Ruyin + Sheena = Camwhorage

So professional right? I finally figured out how to use the Macromedia Fireworks program on my laptop!


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Thursday, February 21, 2008

What the hell was that?

I am immensely disappointed/upset/confused/doubtful.

They want to give me space? LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF.

It's not your fault. It never is. I'm not angry with you.
Just bitter at everyone else.

Maybe it's just me?
Maybe I should just blend in like everyone else.

Screw the rest of the world.

PS: I'm not making anyone choose me over anything. I'm just in a really REALLY bad mood. I truly wish it didn't affect me as much as it did, I really do. But apparently it does. Maybe we can all try again. Maybe. But I don't want to be hurt a second time.

And I am not sensitive.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hate The Work, Love The Cash

Okay, enough with the lists for now.

I'm compiling 'Must-Know Bands' next. 10 seems like a small number.

Anyway, like every other Poly student having his holidays now, I'm in need of a job that pays pretty well, and that I can put in my future resume.

Hopefully I can get one in an advertising agency, or something similar.

God, please don't give me a strictly paper work job that requires me to punch holes and file and fill in stuff. If You plan to give me a desk-bound job, please let me be able to answer calls or something more social, to aid me in my quest to improve my inter-personal skills.

More importantly, I want MONEY. I mean, that's the whole point of working, whether it's now or in future, right?

You want a part-time job that pays good money because you want money fast and immediate.

Or you want a part-time job that doesn't pay as much but can lay the foundation your future job because you want a higher salary in future.

In the end, it still boils down to money.

And now you realise that interests and preferences are just secondary. But of course, having a job that keeps you happy is a definite plus point.

I find people who bring their work home and become so involved in their work ridiculous. A job should be a job. Leave it when you clock out. Why get so worked up about it and vent it out on your spouse and kids who have nothing to do about it? But this is just me lying to myself. I mean, right now, my future is divided into either Marketing or Retail; both of which are extremely absorbing and will most certainly make me neglect everything I care about in future.

That's why I hate school so much. I think of it as training for you to become workaholic zombies. I put in the minimal effort required to get me where I want to go because I believe there's more to life than finishing your fucked up Accounting tutorials. (Yes, I have a grudge.)

So right now, I'm gonna live my life and watch my TV. Hey, at least I get to choose how to live my life. Not my boss.

PS: I don't want a fucking boss.

PPS: I sincerely hope I don't lose myself in my future line of work. I find myself struggling with identity crises in this school. More about that next time. Maybe.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

I am procrastinating.

Lucky you.

10 Things I Love (Not People)

1. Music
I can't live without music. I can survive without music; all I need is food, shelter and a place to shit. But then I would be the equivalent of a zombie. Music brings colour to an otherwise dull half-hour ride on the MRT. Music consoles me when I'm alone in my thoughts and tears are streaming down my face. Music hypes me up and tells me what to wear when I'm getting ready to go out. In other words, music is my other boyfriend.

2. Writing
Maybe that's why I've been so bored and indifferent. I haven't written anything in my poem book for a long long time. Herald even got me a new notebook for writing poems and I haven't used it. I don't know about you, but writing takes me places. It gives me a voice, that ironically cannot be heard. Writing is my bandage to heal, when I am inches from going bonkers.

3. Compliments
I am a leech that feeds off blood known as Compliments. I don't need it, but I sure as hell love it. Heck, who doesn't? And yes, yes. I know the difference between sincere compliments and pure, unadulterated sucking up. Compliments make you soar, but then again, being sucked up to isn't that bad too.

4. Shopping
I know that shopping does not live up to its name of Retail Therapy. It is a proven fact that shopping makes people stressed. It gets husbands/boyfriends/fathers/sons/brothers bored, and the poor female is left without a companion. But shopping is a thrill, much like Bungee Jumping or climbing Mount Everest, except without the high possibility of death. And if done with the right company, shopping is a great bonding experience. Plus, you get to know each other's preferences better without even asking a question. And what's wrong with that?

5. Nature
I love the feeling of taking a deep breathe and not worrying about having lung cancer the next day. Nature gives you a whole new feeling of freedom and freshness that you don't get to experience, especially in a densely populated and hectic environment like Singapore. Yes, I am an enviro-freak. I am concerned about global warming and consumerism and animal abuse and the Paper VS Plastic debate. I watched Captain Planet all the time when I was little, so it kinda rubbed off on me. I have a huge pile of paper for reuse stacked up in my room and I am not afraid to say it. :)

6. South Park

"Oh my God, they killed Kenny!"
"You bastards!"

Kyle's Mom Song by Eric Cartman (Damn Funny)

Now YOU love South Park too.

7. Animals
If I could have my way, I would have a dog, a cat, a white dormouse, a hamster, a rabbit, and a black horse. Of course, someone else would have to clean up the pee and poo.

8. Happy Endings
Everyone could use a little hope, don't you think? If you love happy endings too, you would love these movies:
- Cinderella Story
- Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
- Jumper
- Conair
- National Treasure
- Enchanted
- Hairspray
- Corpse Bride

9. Victorian Times

They remind me of the pictures in this book of Hans Christian Anderson stories. For those with deprived childhoods, Hans Christian Anderson is the dude who wrote the original Little Mermaid and other fabulous stories. Not Disney.

Victorian fashion is the inspiration for modern day goth girls as well as self-mutilation (corsets??).

Just kidding.

I just love the grandness, classiness and formality of the Victorian Times.

10. Pasta
If you want good pasta, Breeks and Pizza Hut are the tried-and-tested places that never fail. For the same price as Pizza Hut and Breeks, Patamania's food is not very fantastic.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Funny Valentine

After more than 48 hours of absence, my army of exactly 4 loyal readers are bored and secretly curious about my Valentine's Day.

I woke up to a super sweet and funny message from Herald and smiled to myself in wonderous glee. Then I went back to sleep.

I was sleepy okay.

Then I woke up and realised it was 10 and literally screamed SHIIIIIIIT!

I would love to tell you how I brushed my teeth and combed my hair and put on Eyeliner (note the capitalisation of Eyeliner), but then my blog readership would drop to 1. So yes, I shall forgo my artist's integrity for the sake of commercialisation and get straight to the point. Stupid kaypohs.


We went to Fish & Co at Wheelock place.

We had the Seafood Platter for two. And order the extra Soup of the Day and their 'award-winning' passion fruit drink.


The passion fruit drink. And Herald. :)

Soup of the day - Best mushroom soup ever to cross these lips!

Finally, the food arrived! In a big big pan, no less! :D

Seafood Platter for Two: Fries, Fish, Calamari, Mussels, Shrimp

Very nice meal! The whole place was packed with couples from 15 year olds to 30 year olds. So cute. The shrimps and mussels were the best, seriously.

Okay, I'm not making sense anymore.

He told me that he ordered roses to be delivered to my house around 6-8pm that day. But guess what time it arrived.... 11.30pm! What the hell? That's half an hour till the end of Valentine's Day. I was already about to sleep and Herald even cancelled his order. By then I felt three things.

1. Sympathy for the people still delivering flowers (I was the last order, apparently.)

2. Pissed. (I made him get his money back.)

3. Overjoyed (My roses are preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty! :3)

Only I can feel joy and anger at the same time.

Too many pictures of the same thing, I know. My blog, deal with it.

I am happy. Thank you.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dorebom. [edit]

Just switch the B and the D.

Sure explains a lot, doesn't it?

So............... since I have 40 minutes to spare, I shall kill 5 minutes with this post.

10 Things I hate

1. Cockroaches
Try running away from them and looking back to see them chasing you. And don't give me that crap about me being 2397342694 times bigger than it. Size doesn't matter when it comes to vermin.

2. Social Mingling
Just not comfortable with it. Even worse than asking for donations.

3. People telling me what to do
Let me do it my way, then if I fail, you can laugh at me all you want. THEN tell me what to do.

4. Feeling awkward
Not the best feeling in the world, I must admit.

5. Crappy shoes
The fugly ones are just laughable, but when you buy home a pair [edit] THAT ARE NOT UGLY, you expect to wear them 24/7. And I hate it when they give you blisters after that. Bite your shoes before they bite you? I dare you to try that.

6. Oil splattering >.<

7. Rude aunties
Especially the ones who see a gap being made for train passengers to alight, and happily park their asses right at the center of the door opening. C'mon lah. Don't you see that the other people waiting to board are staring daggers at you? Why must you make things so annoying for the rest of us? You say you're in a hurry, you think we are not? Hmph! Aren't they supposed to be setting examples for their Ah Boys and Ah Girls at home?

8. Aunties in general
Sorry, but this is not stereotyping because I've seen too many Aunties that are rude. And since the population distribution is normal, I can conclude from my sample size of more than 30 that all aunties are atrocious.

9. Exercise.
We're all gonna die anyway.

10. Bananas.

11. Conforming to list titles.
Because I feel like it so HA!

Ooh look I killed half an hour!

[edit: let it be known that I don't wear ugly shoes :) and no, myblogurlsaysitall!, totally black shoes are not ugly! It's the design, not the colour :D)


Monday, February 11, 2008

Suddenly Writing Becomes A Chore [edit]

Ohio Is For Lovers - Hawthorne Heights

Hey there,
I know it's hard to feel like I don't care at all.
Where you are and how you feel.
With these lights off as these wheels
keep rolling on and on.
Slow things down or speed them up.
Not enough or way too much.
How are you when I'm gone?

And I can't make it on my own.
Because my heart is in Ohio.
So cut my wrists and black my eyes.
So I can fall asleep tonight, or die.
Because you kill me.
You know you do, you kill me well.
You like it too, and I can tell.
You never stop until my final breath is gone.

Spare me just three last words.
"I love you" is all she heard.
I'll wait for you, but I can't wait forever.

I am tired.
Suddenly there's nothing new to write.
Except that nothing and no one is ever sure.
It's all a play of words. And hope.

I am really really tired.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bowling does not suck

I finally removed that dumb Facebook app.

Anyhoo, I have so many things to gloat about. x]

1. Bowling dates

I officially do NOT hate bowling anymore. Because I managed to hit a record score of 71! (Okay, that's not the highest ever, I did get 100+ before, but that was with bumpers, and yes, I know that bumpers don't count so this is why I am humble enough to say that my record is 71. STFU.)

Me and Herald went to Clementi Recreational Centre on Saturday and Tuesday to bowl. The Saturday one was fucking expensive. 21 Smackeroonies. Geez!

If you're wondering if I use pet names on him like 'Honey', or 'Hubby', of course I do. I just find it distasteful to call him that on the World Wide Web.

And God no, I don't call him Honey or Hubby. That is fucking gross lah =.=

So anyway, HERALD knows how I hate people correcting me so I could see how he was chewing the insides of his cheeks when I bowl into where the bumpers should have been.

Actually I don't know why bumpers are so faux pass. They help you improve your score right? Since when is extra support not a good thing? It's the players' egos lah, I tell you. They become so good at bowling that they play without bumpers. After a while, bowling without bumpers become the 'in' thing among bowling fanatics, and soon the whole world became engulfed in the No Bumpers phenomenon.

Of course I know that's not true lah, bodoh. PICTURES!

Show off. x]
Record score, ho!

He's just jealous of my record. Haha.

Day Two of Bowling Rendezvous

Round One: Meh.Round Two: Better take picture showing me ahead of him before I crash and burn.

Little did I know that as soon as I took the picture, I crashed, burned and was made minced meat out of, as seen below. =/

Action seh.

Okay okay, he won. :)

2. Chinese New Year Celebrations

Right now I only have pictures of CNY Eve aka Tuan Yuan!

Prawn fritters!
No, that's not a finger at the bottom of the picture. I was also wondering when I saw the picture. Then I remembered it was the handle of my cup. Can you see the shape of a cat's head?
Chap chai
I thought 'chap' mean sauce. In case you're not enlightened in the food department like me, it means ten, as in ten vegetables. But it should be nine veggies, cos my maid forgot the shiitake mushrooms. :(
Herbal Chicken

And finally, the thing my dad only ever wants for CNY...

Bakwan Kepiting (Idk how to spell!)
It's minced meat plus crab meat, chopped bamboo shoots and parsley, I think.
More pictures on CNY when I get them from The Brother and The Cousin. :D
P.S. I know I sound a little like Xiaxue in this entry. I really can't help it! Been reading all her old archives. Fucking good shit. && that's also why I haven't been blogging. :)

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Friday, February 1, 2008

A Not-So-Late Night Post

I'm sorry for the recent lack-of-brain-stimulation posts these days.

I just don't have the urge to blog intellectual thoughts anymore. Being a materialistic bimbo is so much less taxing than being an annoying in-your-face blogger.

So anyway, I shall resume all clever writings.......... later. Ha! Sorry to disappoint but this post shall be no deeper than a jar of Skippy chunky peanut butter.

I can't explain this feeling I'm feeling though.

Not insecurity.
Not fear.
Not upset.

Just an eerily serene, yet uncomfortably deep-seated feeling of frailness.

And this song explains it all.

Your Guardian Angel;; Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
When I see your smile,
Tears run down my face.
I can't replace.
And now that I'm strong, I have figured out,
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul.
And I know I'll find deep inside me,
I can be the one.

I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all.
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.

Seasons are changing,
And waves are crashing,
And stars are falling all for us.
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter,
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all.
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

'Cause you're my, you're my, my,
My true love, my whole heart.
Please don't throw that away.
'Cause I'm here... for you.
Please don't walk away and,
Please tell me you'll stay... here.

Use me as you will.
Pull my strings just for a thrill.
And I know I'll be okay,
Though my skies are turning gray.

I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all,
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.
