Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hate The Work, Love The Cash

Okay, enough with the lists for now.

I'm compiling 'Must-Know Bands' next. 10 seems like a small number.

Anyway, like every other Poly student having his holidays now, I'm in need of a job that pays pretty well, and that I can put in my future resume.

Hopefully I can get one in an advertising agency, or something similar.

God, please don't give me a strictly paper work job that requires me to punch holes and file and fill in stuff. If You plan to give me a desk-bound job, please let me be able to answer calls or something more social, to aid me in my quest to improve my inter-personal skills.

More importantly, I want MONEY. I mean, that's the whole point of working, whether it's now or in future, right?

You want a part-time job that pays good money because you want money fast and immediate.

Or you want a part-time job that doesn't pay as much but can lay the foundation your future job because you want a higher salary in future.

In the end, it still boils down to money.

And now you realise that interests and preferences are just secondary. But of course, having a job that keeps you happy is a definite plus point.

I find people who bring their work home and become so involved in their work ridiculous. A job should be a job. Leave it when you clock out. Why get so worked up about it and vent it out on your spouse and kids who have nothing to do about it? But this is just me lying to myself. I mean, right now, my future is divided into either Marketing or Retail; both of which are extremely absorbing and will most certainly make me neglect everything I care about in future.

That's why I hate school so much. I think of it as training for you to become workaholic zombies. I put in the minimal effort required to get me where I want to go because I believe there's more to life than finishing your fucked up Accounting tutorials. (Yes, I have a grudge.)

So right now, I'm gonna live my life and watch my TV. Hey, at least I get to choose how to live my life. Not my boss.

PS: I don't want a fucking boss.

PPS: I sincerely hope I don't lose myself in my future line of work. I find myself struggling with identity crises in this school. More about that next time. Maybe.



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