Friday, July 27, 2007

this sucks.

this sucks.
this sucks real bad.
in fact, this couldnt suck any more even if i used a straw.

what good is unlimited internet if there's nothing to do on it?

no one talks on msn except this girl Lexie who's probably half way around the world.
no one writes me testimonials on my friendster.
no one tags my blog even i posted something new.
no one talks much on the boards anymore cos the nice ones are mostly enjoying the last of their summer holidays.

so to cope with the online equivalent of a ghost town, i made a myspace for myself. add me!

but i'm faced with the same issue of virtual loneliness.

funny how virtual reality is more real than virtual.

period. dont come near me or i'll bite you.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

what my life would sound like in a novel

her black canvas shoes touched the ground that met her as she entered the street. sounds of motorists and random people talking hit her ears like a sudden crash of waves. drowning them out with the vocals of Gerard Way, she starts on her journey.

"give me a shot to remember, and you can take all the pain away from me..."

the blaring of her earpiece draws stares from passerbys and she knows it. they take in her slouched posture, the way she digs her thumbs into her pockets, the way she chews the inside of her cheeks. she loves the attention and regrets it all at the same time. it's an addiction no one else seems to enjoy.

a welcoming breeze kissed her cheeks and blows her jet black hair into her eyes. she trips on a pebble. flicking her fringe away, she tugs at the straps on her backpack and continues on her path. left, right, left right.

if only i sound this good in real life.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

GB farewell dinner

GB Farewell Dinner

okay it didn't really serve its purpose, what with the farewell and all. it was more like a GB reunion gathering thing. don't get me wrong, it was a hell lot of fun! :D but one thing i regret was not actually interacting with the juniors, seniors and sec4s. so yeah.

enough about that. pictures!

pehgek & me! she's getting prettier. cant stand it. :P
2/3 of our group. i think. ok lah i know my math sucks. ruoying looks angelic with the light behind her! but we all know she's not. ;)
that's ziyan. greedy pig!
ruoying & pehgek
ruyin dearest! she's so despo to change photo. it rhymes!

and now the current sec5s who are passing out.


dorothy! she's damn cute!

and xiao zu! zomg i look so sweaty


next topic.

our first month anni has just passed. herald is the best!

look what he gave me! 99 hearts in a bottle!

i cant believe i got you a dumb chain. :(


Friday, July 20, 2007

the boards. and stuff.


to clue you in: the boards refer to the Fall Out Boy Rock (FOBR) messageboards. i'm so addicted. i've been posting since last year but i'm only addicted since this year cos of the unlimited internet!!!

i've learnt so many useless things and new accronyms from the boards, its not even funny.





love love me!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

a letter from the bottom of my heart. or not.

dear you,


how can i make you realise that..... you're just not a good team leader? you do everything yourself and never let others know what's going on. you dont delegate jobs according to people's and your abilities. you say that the leader does that then why am i the one whose doing it? obviously cos you're just not goddamn good enough! all those months attending MOB have obviously gone to waste.

you say i bring my personal relationships into the team but you are the one acting unprofessional! whining about your sad little life and how it would be better if everyone just disappeared. please, you are the childish one, thank you very much.

i didnt have the heart to tell you the obvious: that your editing and decorating skills suck. so i said that you can do other more important things. if you're so fuckin unhappy about it, why dont you tell it to my face? why must you write some story and twist it and turn it so it becomes like i'm bullying your fucked up ass?

i'm the type that doesn't get angry easily. it takes a hell lot for me to blow up. i just take it that you're a little dense, that your head is a little thick. so don't push your luck.

yours truly, me.

p.s. see? if i can be above name-calling, why can't you?

Monday, July 16, 2007


on rachel's tagboard.

rachel: "i hate lit. i'm never gonna take it next year"
me: "take lit! lit guys are sexy."
mich: "sheena you suffering from depression cos of your lack of social life issit?"
me: "i dont have a social life. i have a social death! ha!"


true what.

i'm a damn misfit and i hate it. can you make my day?


Friday, July 13, 2007

friday the thirteenth

Friday the Thirteenth

*cues scary music*

actually today is turning out to be a pretty good day for me, even though it started out like crap.

i'm not one to bring my academic life into my blog but this is definitely an exception. today, accounts lecture was cancelled and no one told me! whatthefuck! apparently the chairman put the info on his msn nick and everyone knew except me, herald and elson, my classmate. and we all had the same goddamn reason: cos my weren't online at that time. i mean, who put announcements on msn! like haven't you heard of sms? >:(

okay after that things were pretty alright.

i'm actually in the library cos i was waiting for liang zheng to meet me for dinner. LIANG ZHENG WAS SLEEPING WHEN I WAS CALLING HER HANDPHONE LIKE SIAO!!!!! haha never mind i forgive you. bow down and worship me. heh.

and while waiting for her i ran into huiling and soeng may!!!!! haha i can't wait for GB farewell dinner! XD

gawd i need a social life in SP. pweez?


Monday, July 9, 2007

live earth

what a totally disappointing way to spend 24hours.

okay i know this is a totally i-told-you-so moment. i went over to mich's house to watch the thing and we were late getting there so the whole trip was like me bugging my dad to hurry up. then al gore had to make this half hour long speech and my dad kept giving me that stupid i-told-you-so face.


until about 9pm++, linkin park finally came on! so worth the wait. they performed 5 songs i think. yay!

but the rest of the show was so not worth staying up for. i stayed up till 6am just to see fall out boy cos SOMEONE (that's you michelle) told me they would come on at 5am. guess what time i finally saw them: 10am!!! and they only played 2 songs.


then pete wentz said "environmentalism is like working out."

i finally gave up at about 12pm. didn't even get to see taking back sunday! :(

at least i saw a band that was pretty good, wolfmother. i can't put it up here cos the stupid imeem people haven't got it approved or whatever. go here -->

happy 777 indeed.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

i'm in school and it's getting suckier by the minute. not that i can't keep up in class but i just can't take the boredom. did you know: boredom is the number one killer in the whole of sheenaland! i'm totally serious! it's like infectious and stuff! oh ma gahh!!!

okay i sound stupid. i'm in fucking love and it does that to people. i think. makes them smile for no reason and stuff.

and i know you guys are like thank god! for me changing the song. classical okay! don't let anyone tell you different.
