Tuesday, July 17, 2007

a letter from the bottom of my heart. or not.

dear you,


how can i make you realise that..... you're just not a good team leader? you do everything yourself and never let others know what's going on. you dont delegate jobs according to people's and your abilities. you say that the leader does that then why am i the one whose doing it? obviously cos you're just not goddamn good enough! all those months attending MOB have obviously gone to waste.

you say i bring my personal relationships into the team but you are the one acting unprofessional! whining about your sad little life and how it would be better if everyone just disappeared. please, you are the childish one, thank you very much.

i didnt have the heart to tell you the obvious: that your editing and decorating skills suck. so i said that you can do other more important things. if you're so fuckin unhappy about it, why dont you tell it to my face? why must you write some story and twist it and turn it so it becomes like i'm bullying your fucked up ass?

i'm the type that doesn't get angry easily. it takes a hell lot for me to blow up. i just take it that you're a little dense, that your head is a little thick. so don't push your luck.

yours truly, me.

p.s. see? if i can be above name-calling, why can't you?


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