Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dorebom. [edit]

Just switch the B and the D.

Sure explains a lot, doesn't it?

So............... since I have 40 minutes to spare, I shall kill 5 minutes with this post.

10 Things I hate

1. Cockroaches
Try running away from them and looking back to see them chasing you. And don't give me that crap about me being 2397342694 times bigger than it. Size doesn't matter when it comes to vermin.

2. Social Mingling
Just not comfortable with it. Even worse than asking for donations.

3. People telling me what to do
Let me do it my way, then if I fail, you can laugh at me all you want. THEN tell me what to do.

4. Feeling awkward
Not the best feeling in the world, I must admit.

5. Crappy shoes
The fugly ones are just laughable, but when you buy home a pair [edit] THAT ARE NOT UGLY, you expect to wear them 24/7. And I hate it when they give you blisters after that. Bite your shoes before they bite you? I dare you to try that.

6. Oil splattering >.<

7. Rude aunties
Especially the ones who see a gap being made for train passengers to alight, and happily park their asses right at the center of the door opening. C'mon lah. Don't you see that the other people waiting to board are staring daggers at you? Why must you make things so annoying for the rest of us? You say you're in a hurry, you think we are not? Hmph! Aren't they supposed to be setting examples for their Ah Boys and Ah Girls at home?

8. Aunties in general
Sorry, but this is not stereotyping because I've seen too many Aunties that are rude. And since the population distribution is normal, I can conclude from my sample size of more than 30 that all aunties are atrocious.

9. Exercise.
We're all gonna die anyway.

10. Bananas.

11. Conforming to list titles.
Because I feel like it so HA!

Ooh look I killed half an hour!

[edit: let it be known that I don't wear ugly shoes :) and no, myblogurlsaysitall!, totally black shoes are not ugly! It's the design, not the colour :D)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. 1 is too true, oh wait, 2 as well, and 3 and 4 and 7 and 8!

Ugly shoes? Hmm, never tried wearing weird looking shoes before, are totally black shoes ugly? Maybe =X

Ahh, oil splattering.. Been splattered too many times to feel the pain, almost immune!!

Exercising is necessary my friend! To matter how you hate it, you gotta make sure you don't pass away until you're 200! Or even more!

Bananananas is a contributing factor to your quest to live till 200! :P

February 14, 2008 at 2:47 AM  
Blogger sheenaloves said...


i don't really plan to live to 200, what with global warming and inflation and all...

and i thought humans could only live to like 100+.. :]

February 14, 2008 at 7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, with technology progressing so quicky that might be possibility!

February 15, 2008 at 12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aunties are annoying,
but not annoying as Ah
bengs & lians!

ah, just shoot daggers at all of them!! lols X)

February 16, 2008 at 11:32 PM  
Blogger missPOW said...

yeah. aunties. should. getalife.

February 16, 2008 at 11:59 PM  

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