Thursday, December 27, 2007

Married Christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

It was okay for me.

I love what Herald got for me. A notebook. Inside, the sweetest poem that even I could never come up with.

That was pretty much the highlight of my Christmas. Not that I'm not grateful for the other gifts (especially Michelle and family's - thanks for the bangles!), I am. And I know that I should never be choosy or dissatisfied with my gifts because it's the thought that counts, right? Then does that mean that I can be unhappy when the gifts are just plain thoughtless?

I am not mentioning any names.

Since young, I always hate feeling guilty when presents I receive are shitty. Because I've always been taught that "at least they give you present right?". So I smile my biggest smile and say "Wow, thanks!" even though I KNOW that the gift I got was bought without any thought as to what I would like. Do you get what I mean?

There is a difference between a thoughtful-but-too-bad-you-got-it-wrong gift and a just-plain-thoughtless gift. The former means that the giver really has you in his/her mind and really wants to give you something you like, unfortunately, he/she does not know you as well as he/she thinks he/she does. The latter obviously does not have you in his/her heart or mind and just got something that is either 1) cheap or 2) on the way.

Isn't it unfair for the receiver to feel awful for something that the giver has done, or not done?


On a lighter note, since it is still the Christmas season, check out this adorable blog.

Santa Claus Blog

I was never ever a believer in Santa Claus, but this seriously made me reconsider. :)



Blogger thethinker said...

I also feel guilty when I get crappy presents that I just hate. I'd rather someone buy me nothing at all than buy something that they didn't spend even one second to think about.

December 28, 2007 at 1:52 AM  
Blogger missPOW said...

sheena dear!

December 30, 2007 at 2:49 PM  

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